Drab to Fab: Simple DIY Decor Projects That Make a Big Impact

Drab to Fab: Simple DIY Decor Projects That Make a Big Impact

Hello! In this article, we’ll explore simple DIY decor projects that can transform your space from drab to fab. Let's dive in and discover creative ways to revamp your home with personal touches.

Table of Contents

  1. Upcycling Old Furniture
  2. Creating Custom Wall Art
  3. Revamping Your Lighting
  4. Adding Greenery with DIY Planters
  5. Personalizing Your Space with Textiles
  6. Bonus: Video Inspiration

Upcycling Old Furniture

One of the simplest and most rewarding ways to transform your space is by upcycling old furniture. Not only does this give a new lease of life to tired pieces, but it also allows you to create unique, personalized items that reflect your style.

Growing up in Seville, Spain, I often found myself surrounded by beautifully crafted, vintage furniture. These pieces had character and history, and I quickly learned the value of preserving and revitalizing them. Now, living in Los Angeles, I bring that same appreciation to my home decor projects.

How to Upcycle Your Furniture

Choose Your Piece: Start by selecting a piece of furniture that has good bones but needs a little love. This could be an old dresser, a chair, or even a coffee table.

Prep the Surface: Clean the piece thoroughly to remove any dirt or grime. Sand it down to create a smooth surface, which will help the new paint or finish adhere better.

Get Creative with Paint: Painting is one of the easiest ways to give furniture a fresh look. Choose a color that complements your decor. For a chic, modern touch, consider a bold hue or a trendy pastel. Check out our cheerful room decor collection for some inspiration.



Add New Hardware: Replacing old knobs or handles with new, stylish hardware can make a big difference. Opt for pieces that match the new aesthetic of your furniture.

Finishing Touches: Once the paint is dry, add any finishing touches such as stencils, decals, or even a bit of distressing for a vintage look. Our vintage room collection offers great ideas.


One of my favorite upcycling projects was transforming an old, worn-out dresser I found at a flea market in Seville. I sanded it down, painted it a vibrant teal, and replaced the knobs with intricate ceramic ones I found during my travels in Portugal. This dresser now sits proudly in my bedroom, a beautiful reminder of my roots and adventures.

By upcycling old furniture, you not only save money but also create pieces with stories and character. So, next time you see an old piece of furniture, imagine the possibilities and get creative!

Creating Custom Wall Art

Wall art is a fantastic way to infuse personality into your space. Creating your own custom pieces ensures that your decor is truly unique and tailored to your style. Plus, it's a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon.

During my travels, I’ve gathered inspiration from various art styles and techniques. From the vibrant street art in Argentina to the delicate watercolors of Japan, each piece tells a story and adds a personal touch to my home.

DIY Custom Wall Art

Gather Your Materials: Start with a blank canvas or a piece of wood. You'll also need paints, brushes, stencils, and any other materials you want to incorporate.

Plan Your Design: Think about the theme and colors you want to use. Sketch out your design lightly with a pencil. For inspiration, check out our DIY aesthetic wall collage kit.


Start Painting: Use acrylic paints for their versatility and vibrancy. Don't worry about making it perfect—sometimes the best pieces come from happy accidents. Layer your colors and add details as you go.

Add Texture and Interest: Incorporate different textures using materials like fabric, paper, or even dried flowers. This adds depth and dimension to your artwork.

Frame or Mount Your Art: Once your piece is complete and dry, frame it or mount it on the wall. This not only protects your artwork but also gives it a finished look.

One of my favorite custom wall art projects was inspired by the breathtaking landscapes of Peru. I used a large canvas and a palette of greens and blues to capture the essence of the Andean mountains. By adding layers of paint and incorporating natural elements like dried leaves, I created a piece that transports me back to my travels every time I look at it.

Creating custom wall art is a wonderful way to express your creativity and add a personal touch to your home. Whether you're painting a canvas or assembling a collage, the possibilities are endless. So grab your materials and let your imagination run wild!

Creating Custom Wall Art

Wall art is a fantastic way to infuse personality into your space. Creating your own custom pieces ensures that your decor is truly unique and tailored to your style. Plus, it's a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon.

During my travels, I’ve gathered inspiration from various art styles and techniques. From the vibrant street art in Argentina to the delicate watercolors of Japan, each piece tells a story and adds a personal touch to my home.

Gather Your Materials: Start with a blank canvas or a piece of wood. You'll also need paints, brushes, stencils, and any other materials you want to incorporate.

Plan Your Design: Think about the theme and colors you want to use. Sketch out your design lightly with a pencil. For inspiration, check out our DIY aesthetic wall collage kit.

Start Painting: Use acrylic paints for their versatility and vibrancy. Don't worry about making it perfect—sometimes the best pieces come from happy accidents. Layer your colors and add details as you go.

Add Texture and Interest: Incorporate different textures using materials like fabric, paper, or even dried flowers. This adds depth and dimension to your artwork.

Frame or Mount Your Art: Once your piece is complete and dry, frame it or mount it on the wall. This not only protects your artwork but also gives it a finished look.

One of my favorite custom wall art projects was inspired by the breathtaking landscapes of Peru. I used a large canvas and a palette of greens and blues to capture the essence of the Andean mountains. By adding layers of paint and incorporating natural elements like dried leaves, I created a piece that transports me back to my travels every time I look at it.

Creating custom wall art is a wonderful way to express your creativity and add a personal touch to your home. Whether you're painting a canvas or assembling a collage, the possibilities are endless. So grab your materials and let your imagination run wild!

Revamping Your Lighting

Lighting is a crucial element in home decor that can dramatically change the ambiance of a room. By revamping your lighting, you can create a cozy, inviting atmosphere or a bright, vibrant space, depending on your needs.

In my Los Angeles apartment, I've experimented with various lighting techniques to enhance different areas. From cozy reading nooks to lively living spaces, the right lighting has made all the difference.

Assess Your Needs: Determine the function of the room and the type of lighting it requires. For example, task lighting is essential for a home office, while ambient lighting works well in a living room.

Layer Your Lighting: Use a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create depth and interest. Check out our bedside lamps and string lights collections for versatile options.


Update Fixtures: Swap out old light fixtures for modern, stylish ones. This simple change can instantly refresh the look of a room. Our lighting collection offers a variety of contemporary options.

Incorporate Smart Lighting: Consider integrating smart lighting systems that allow you to control brightness and color with ease. This adds convenience and allows for customizable ambiance at any time.

Add Decorative Elements: Use decorative lights like fairy lights or unique lamps to add a touch of whimsy and charm. The aesthetic moon LED lamp is a favorite of mine for creating a magical atmosphere.


One of my most successful lighting projects was creating a cozy reading nook in my living room. I used a combination of a stylish floor lamp and warm string lights draped around the bookshelf. This not only provided ample light for reading but also added a touch of enchantment to the space. The boho chic macrame wall hanging nearby complemented the lighting perfectly, creating a serene and inviting corner.



Revamping your lighting can transform the entire feel of your home. With the right fixtures and a bit of creativity, you can highlight your decor and create the perfect ambiance for any room.

Adding Greenery with DIY Planters

Adding plants to your home decor not only improves air quality but also brings a touch of nature indoors, creating a calming and refreshing atmosphere. DIY planters are a fantastic way to incorporate greenery into your space while adding a personal, creative touch.

Incorporating plants into my apartment has been a game-changer. Each plant adds a unique element to the decor, and creating custom planters has been a fun and fulfilling project.

Choose Your Plants: Select plants that thrive indoors and match your lifestyle. Low-maintenance options like succulents, snake plants, and pothos are great choices for beginners.

Select Your Containers: Get creative with your planters. Use items like mason jars, old teapots, or even repurpose wooden crates. Our hanging ivy and garlands collection offers great options for hanging plants.


Prepare the Planters: Ensure your containers have proper drainage. If not, add a layer of pebbles at the bottom before adding soil. This prevents water from accumulating and causing root rot.

Plant Your Greenery: Fill the planters with appropriate potting soil and carefully place your plants. Add soil around the roots, gently pressing down to secure the plant.

Add Decorative Elements: Enhance your planters with decorative stones, moss, or even paint the containers to match your decor. These finishing touches make your DIY planters stand out.

For those who love convenience, you can also explore online plant shops like The Sill, which delivers a wide variety of plants across the United States.

One of my favorite DIY planter projects involved repurposing an old wooden crate into a chic herb garden for my kitchen. I painted the crate a bright yellow to add a pop of color and planted basil, mint, and rosemary. This not only added greenery to my kitchen but also provided fresh herbs for cooking. The crate sits on my windowsill, bringing a touch of nature and practicality to the space.

Adding greenery with DIY planters is a simple yet impactful way to breathe life into your home decor. Whether you have a green thumb or are just starting, creating these personalized planters will surely add charm and freshness to your living space.

Personalizing Your Space with Textiles

Textiles are a versatile and impactful way to personalize your home. From cozy throws to vibrant cushions, the right textiles can add color, texture, and warmth to any room.

My love for textiles began during my travels, where I discovered a variety of fabrics and patterns that inspired me to experiment with different styles in my own home. Here are some tips to help you personalize your space with textiles.

Mix and Match Patterns: Don’t be afraid to mix patterns. Combining different patterns can create a dynamic and interesting look. Start with a unifying color palette to keep the look cohesive.

Layer Different Textures: Layering textures adds depth and comfort to your decor. Combine materials like velvet, linen, and faux fur to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Check out our bedding collection for inspiration.


Use Textiles to Define Spaces: Use rugs and curtains to define different areas within a room. This is especially useful in open-plan spaces. Our rugs collection offers a variety of options to suit any style.

Incorporate Seasonal Textiles: Change up your textiles seasonally to keep your decor fresh and exciting. Opt for lighter fabrics and brighter colors in the summer, and switch to heavier, warmer textiles in the winter.

DIY Textile Projects: Get creative with DIY projects. Make your own cushion covers, throws, or even curtains. This not only adds a personal touch but also allows you to create exactly what you envision for your space.

One of my favorite textile projects was creating a set of custom cushion covers for my living room. I used fabric I found in a market in Hong Kong, which featured a beautiful mix of colors and patterns. Sewing the covers myself added a personal touch, and now every time I see them, I'm reminded of my travels.

Textiles are a powerful tool in home decor, allowing you to express your personality and style in a tangible way. Whether you’re mixing patterns or creating your own pieces, the possibilities are endless. Dive into our collections and start personalizing your space today!

Bonus: Video Inspiration

To further inspire your home decor journey, check out this fantastic video on stunning 2024 home decor trends:

WOW! These 2024 Home Decor Trends are Absolutely Stunning

Revamping your home can be an exciting and fulfilling project. Whether you're upcycling old furniture, creating custom wall art, revamping your lighting, adding greenery with DIY planters, or personalizing your space with textiles, each project allows you to infuse your personality into your decor.

I hope these tips and ideas inspire you to transform your space from drab to fab. Remember, the key to great decor is making it uniquely yours. Happy decorating!

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